Here’s all the info you’ll need for a successful Mad With Power Fest! Hails MWP Fest Goers! Our fest is a little over a week away, and I hope you’re getting excited! We wanted to email all the info you’ll need to know to make this year’s fest a smooth experience for everyone! Please make sure to read this entire email, as there will be very important information you’ll need to know! TICKETS AND ENTRY GETTING IN TO THE FEST: You will need your Ticketmaster Ticket (not your Mad With Power VIP ticket) to get in the door. Make sure you have the Ticketmaster app on your phone and you’re logged in before you make it to the door! If you purchased a Sponsorship, Platinum, or Gold VIP ticket, I have transferred a Ticketmaster ticket to the email listed at checkout. Please check your email and accept the ticket into your Ticketmaster account! Most of you have already done this, but some of you have not. ![]() If you are missing your Ticketmaster ticket: please email Ticketmaster support. If you are Gold, Platinum, or Sponsor VIP and did not receive a Ticketmaster ticket transfer: please email with the subject: “Lost Ticket”. Please include your Full Name, the name of the person who purchased the ticket, and the email address used to purchase the ticket. If you are missing your MWP VIP Add-on Ticket: please email with the subject: “Lost Ticket”. Please include your Full Name, the name of the person who purchased the ticket, and the email address used to purchase the ticket. EARLY VIP PRIZE PICKUP We will have an early VIP package pickup outside the main entrance of The Sylvee starting at 2:00pm. We would HIGHLY recommend picking up your package early so that you save time, especially if you are planning on attending the early-entry meet & greet! Please have your Mad With Power VIP ticket ready. We do not need your Ticketmaster Ticket at the early VIP package pickup (but you will need it to get in the door). VIP INFO A few items to remember for VIP packages: You will receive a lanyard and VIP pass. Please make sure to have this pass visible for access to the special areas! Gold VIP seats on the 2nd floor are NOT ASSIGNED, no matter what your Ticketmaster ticket says! All seats are first-come-first-served. Please do not attempt to save your seat for more than a quick bathroom/drink break. Platinum VIP seats are in the special “Jack Daniels” section in the middle of the 2nd floor. These seats are also NOT ASSIGNED, much in the same way as the Gold VIP. Sponsorship VIP booths are on the 3rd floor. These seats are likewise NOT ASSIGNED. Sponsor VIPs may also sit anywhere on the 2nd floor seats if they wish.Sponsorship & Platinum VIP tickets have access to the Jack Daniels lounge on the 2nd floor, which will have a private bartender and free food! PARKING Parking info for the Sylvee is located on the website:Parking Information Bear in mind: on the Friday night of the fest, Primus is playing literally across the street from the Sylvee, so parking will be a madhouse. Please try to get there early if you can, or utilize taxi/uber. THURSDAY PRE-PARTY AND LORDS MUSIC VIDEO! In town early? Or maybe you just live here? Our Thursday pre-party will take place at Aftershock Classic Arcade on Thursday 8/1 starting at 8:00pm. However – we’re going to shoot a Lords of the Trident music video before the party, and we want you to be in it! If you want to appear in the video, arrive at Aftershock at 7:00pm! WHAT TO DO/EAT/DRINK WHEN I’M NOT FEST-ING? If you’re looking for suggestions for things to do, places to eat and drink, and more, look no further than Fang’s Guide to Madison! This handy guide will help you find a bunch of hand-picked activities, restaurants, and more in the vicinity of the fest! Read the guide! Also, don’t forget the HEAVY METAL CHEESE CURD MASSACRE happening at the farmer’s market on the Capitol Square at 11:30am! Bring cash, your battle jackets, and get ready to EAT CHEESE! ![]() FEST SCHEDULE…is on the website – ![]() “Does The Sylvee Allow…”Questions about the venue? See their FAQ here:Sylvee FAQ Still have questions? Check the Mad With Power FAQ as well! |